I Googled Myself…

Just for kicks (well, as a random thought as I worked on my resume) I decided to google my name and see what came up, like whether it found my websites past or present. Well, not exactly, I wouldn’t have guessed pretty much any of the top hits

1. PBase (photography site). an empty profile, which I think I made for the sole purpose of

2. leaving a guestbook comment on’s brother in law’s page on there.

3. List of teaching assistants (including myself) for Bill Griswold’s compilers B class. Apparently my lab (work) hours were friday from 2-6.
4. CSE 120 (operating systems) Fall 2001 Project Groups for “Nachos Project 1”

5. CSE 190 Computer Graphics homepage including student roster (didn’t I drop that class eventually?)

6. ‘s former roommate () Eric’s pictures on webshots, which is really kind of random because the only picture on the page that shows up is Jessica Lopez. And if you poke around there’s some pictures of Jessica Chapman. Oh wait, there I am…page three of that album…and twice at that.
Jessica Winblad Nick and Jessica

7. Courtney ()’s little sister’s contacts page on flickr, which is the first and only page on there that links to a page that links to my website (if you poke around enough)

8. Link 6 is where you hit the hump where they stop being legitimately related to me. Link 6 is in Swedish, a page from Lunds University, about some researcher named Jessica Winblad-Carlzohn

9. blah blah blah… Jessica Guynn… blah blah blah…. Hummer Winblad… blah blah blah

10. Jessica Livingston, author, interviews Ann Winblad, one of the subjects of her book “Founders at Work” interviewing the founders of sucessful startups [Aside, I’d always been told Ann Winblad is an author (which is true…) but apparently Ann Winblad started an accounting software startup in the 70s (and the book she is best known for is about Object Oriented Software Design…). Nobody in my family knows how distantly we’re related to her, but its such an uncommon last name that its almost certain she’s some sort of second or third cousin or something. Guess I just have genes for computer-geekiness don’t I?]

(on to page 2)
11. Some random video game music producer has me listed as an interesting person on their Amazon.com profile and it shows up on the recent activity that I added the Everlastin Jesus music concert to my wishlist. (oh, guess we’re back to me again)

12. My mom posted a photo of me having just returned from africa

13-20 or 30 or 40 or 50. Appear to be mostly irrelevant to me, mostly Ann Winblad, and of course, a few more hits for things like Jessica the girl from Sweden and random unknown Winblads mostly with swedish first names.

Searching for me on Yahoo results in a lot of similar things, though hit #1 is my page on 30 boxes, which appears to be a summary of recent flickr photos and myspace blog posts, and #3 is my dead tripod website and #5 and 6 are way old missions ministry prayer meeting events from the Rock Church calender.

MSN on the other hand, result #2 is my “online portfolio” (resume-looking stuff listing courses and projects I’d done) from my current website 🙂