Laptop Power Cable on Fire!

Ummm, yeah, this is bad…the power cable for my laptop just caught fire…

So I start noticing this little black smoke puff coming from the back of my laptop, right? Since this is probably about the third time in the past couple days I’ve imagined I’ve seen this little “whoa, is my laptop overheating??” type moment, so I decide to look at it ASAP so I can catch it in the act of whatever’s gone wrong…

Next thing you know that smoldering wire is now a flaming wire, and I’m sitting here blowing it out like a candle while I scramble to unplug the a/c adapter at the same time. The power cable burned clear through before the flame extinguished itself, making the power cord now completely useless. At least it wasn’t like it caught fire while I wasn’t home or something…because I do sometimes leave it on (or forget to turn it off) when I’m not home…because that would have been way worse 🙂