Mike Macintosh on Spiritual Fruit (Jn. 15:1-8)

Many people have “plastic fruit” in their lives. It has the appearances of fruit…but it doesn’t taste like it.
Application: Do you have real spiritual fruit in your life? Or just look like you have spiritual fruit?

The kind of fruit God is looking for is the kind that is inside us.

A true vine implies there’s a false vine.

To abide takes purity.

Matthew 23

I was watching one of Horizon’s videos of recent sermons today (on Matthew 23).

Well, it turned out, as always, to be a quite excellent sermon, because it just…so well distills the whole gospel into its essence, repeating one of my favorite verses about Jesus’s summation of the ten commandments into just two. Plus, the ever-welcome reminder it isn’t a churchy-fill you need…but a fill of God’s love 🙂

The only people Jesus was ever upset with were the religious leaders (scribes and pharisees) who kept people from finding the freedom that was in god and finding that god was simply love.

Hehe, can anyone say “Amen to that”? This is why I love Horizon (and well the Rock too)–they don’t give you a bunch of BS but just cut to the heart of the message–God is love, oh and by the way you don’t need any of this religion stuff, you just need to know his love.

“Most people don’t realize that god’s not angry with them that god loves them and just wants you to come home to him.

“Some of you grew up in christian/protestant/catholic churches or other religions and the traditions that were non-biblical became burdens on your back that you could never be a good girl or a good little guy because you were a sinner and good for nothing and going to go to hell and get your hands slapped and stand in the corner and it was a bunch of dos and donts and no-no-no you’re bad and you’re naughty and guilt just flooded your soul. And as a full grown adult those things can still control you. This is why Jesus said “whoa you hypocrites” (the only people he got angry at: the religious leaders spreading this mentality). he was angry because his love was for you. he doesn’t want religious liturgy to hang you up.

“You’re God’s sons and daughters, his creation. Your dad is the creator of everything. You’re God’s kid. You’re in a hostile environment on this planet that is against god. you’re told you’re something you’re not and have it obliterated from your mind that you were created in the likeness and image of god not a chimpanzee. You’re God’s creation. And the whole propaganda machine doesn’t want you to know how powerful you are in the eyes of the creator. You’re the adopted heirs to the throne of God.

“All the resources of heaven are at your disposal and there is nothing impossible for you. And yet some of you sit here depressed today, feel defeated. No you’re more than conquers through jesus christ the bible says. You’re the victors, you’re the winners. In God’s eyes, this thing’s all over. Its finished. And you’re already up there with him with a crown upon your head. You’re glorious people in God’s eyes. Its kind of thrilling.

The pharisees wanted tradition in there–such as the ten commandments–became 665/666 different laws. God didn’t want you to try to remember 600 different things, he just wanted you to remember ten things. And then–so simple–four things about god, six things about people. That’s all. And Jesus surmised it as I don’t give you any new commandments but this: Love your God with all your heart mind and soul and strength (the four commandments of moses relating to you and god), and love your neighbor as yourself (the six things about people).
Continue reading Matthew 23