Evangelism Techniques

Three Parts to a Testimony

  • How God prepared you to trust Jesus (BC days)
    • No details that would glorify Satan
  • How you came to Jesus
    • Climax/Turning point of your story
  • How trusting Jesus changed your life
    • Focus on what God’s done and is doing now

See: Rev 12:10-11, Acts 26

5 Steps to Resolve Cognitive Dissonance

  • Who are you?
  • Why should they listen to you?
  • What are you talking about?
  • Why it is important for them?
  • What you want them to do?


Three Open Prayer

  1. God open A Door (Col. 4:3-4)
  2. God open up their heart (Acts16:14, Mat9:37)
  3. God open my mouth (Eph6:19-20)

Romans Road

Rom. 3:23 -> Rom. 6:23 -> (Rom. 5:8) -> Rom. 10:9 -> (Rom. 10:13)

Bill’s Technique:

Listening is key, evangelism is not about interrupting with your opinions

  • Do you have any kind of spiritual belief? (not believing IS a spiritual belief)
  • To you, who is Jesus?
  • Do you believe there is a heaven and a hell?
  • If you died right now, where would you go? Why?
  • If what you believe were not true would you want to know? (Yes, share gospel (ask them to read each verse out loud, what each scripture means to them); No, don’t quarrel, they’re not open to receiving)

Don’t have the salvation verses memorized? Not a problem

Inside the front cover of your bible list the first verse address. Highlight each key verse. At the bottom of the page of the key verse write the verse number of the next key verse to read.

Example verse list: Rom. 6:23, John 3:3, John 14:6, Rom 10:9-11, 2 Cor 5:15

Why Evangelize?

Rom 10:14-15, Matt. 24:14

Biblical Examples of Evangelism:

Acts 14:21, Gal 4:13, 1Th 2:9

  • Bad Motivations:
    • Glorify Self (3 John 1:9)
    • Lording (1 Pet 5:3)
    • Coveting Power or Position (1 Tim 3:1)
  • Good Motivations:
    • Serve/Glorify Jesus(1cor10:31)
    • To minister to people (Mark 10:45)
    • Explore your gifting (1 cor 12:4-7)
    • Serve in your gifting (Eph. 4:16)


General Evangelism Tips:

  • PRAY PRAY PRAY (I don’t think we can emphasize this enough)
  • We are ALL called to do the work of an evangelist even if we don’t have the “gift of evangelism”. (See 2 tim 4:1-5)
  • You don’t have to go out of your way or set aside a specific time to evangelize. There are opportunities in our everyday life to share about our hope in Jesus: At school, work, sporting events, with friends, neighbors, and so on. It doesn’t have to be offensive to share about your faith, your faith is a part of who you are, and it should just naturally flow out of the abundance of your heart. Just keep your eyes open and pray for opportunities.
  • God is the only one who can change hearts
  • Give grace to the humble, save the law for the proud
  • Have a right heart in why you are sharing your faith, God will honor that
  • Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t seeing fruit from sharing your faith right away. Remember the story about the evangelist from Sydney who handed out tracts and the scripture “Don’t grow weary in doing good while doing Good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galations 6:9)

Other Resources:

  • The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman (Book on Christ’s strategy in Evangelism)
  • Beautiful Feet by Danny Lehmann (Book on the steps to a lifestyle of evangelism)
  • More than A Carpenter by Josh McDowell (Book on Apologetics/reliability of the bible)
  • Way of the Master (DVDs & misc. resources) by Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort ( wayofthemaster.com)
  • Campus Crusade for Christ Australia: Resources section ( resources.ccca.org.au)
  • Mormon Info: Evangelizing to Mormons ( mormoninfo.org)
  • Our Daily Bread Devotional ( rbc.org/odb/)
  • Billy Graham Evangelistic Association ( billygraham.org)
  • Probe Ministries: Answers to a lot of tough questions about Christianity ( probe.org)

Tracts: (there are many others to choose from, these are just a couple sites we like)

  • Living Waters (livingwaters.com)
  • Fellowship Tract League (fellowshiptractleague.org)



A structured form of prayer, provides an opportunity for discipline in your prayer life. Pray for a fixed amount of time on each category

Adoration praise God for who He is (your creator, provider, redeemer, etc) Ps 103, 145-150
Wait Wait in silence for God to speak to you (its okay if the Lord is silent, often we hear God outside of prayer time through scripture, circumstances, or people) Ps 46:10
Confess Confess anything (eg. sin) in your life that needs healing and forgiveness 1 John 1:9,
Ps. 66:18
Intercede Ask God for the needs of others 1Tim2:1, 1John5:14-15
Pray for yourself As you do so keep in mind proper motives and glorifying God James4:2-3, Mt.7:11
Admire him more Thank Him for all that he has done and will do in your life (greatfulness) Phil4:6-7, James1:17,
Jn 5:14-15

10 Commandments Technique -> Can bring people to understand their need for salvation

Are you a good person? (of course) Can we take a look at the 10 commandments? These are God’s standards for living a good life? Have you ever told a lie? (if not, they’re probably lying right now) What does that make you? A Liar. Have you ever stolen anything? Even something small? What does that make you? Thief. Have you ever committed adultery? Share Matt 5:28. Have you ever looked at a man/woman lustfully? That is adultery in your heart. You’ve admitted to in your own words me you’re thieving, lying, and have an adulterous heart. If you died today would God find you innocent or guilty? (guilty) Would you go to heaven or hell? (if they say heaven, they are breaking the second commandment of committing idolatry by making a false image of God by creating an image of God in their hearts that suits their own lifestyle rather than who God really is) Does this concern you? Let me show you how God sees you right now. Have them read John 3:36 (god’s wrath) But God doesn’t want to pour out his wrath on you. He wants to save you. Share the good news via scriptures about Jesus at this point and how they can be saved. (Do you want to face God on Judgment day knowing that you are guilty? Do you want to put your trust into Jesus so you can be saved from God’s wrath?) h”

  • Is. 59:2 “your iniquities have separated you from God…”