Transfer of Responsibility

I’m not sure if I mentioned this on the blog before or not..but toward the end of last week, I found out I’d be taking over the project of one of the guys on our team who’s going on a long vacation starting Friday…

He wrote the internet explorer javascript debugger plugin for Netbeans, (a C++ COM project in Visual Studio)…that’s the part I’m going to be taking over.

And then it turns out, he’s not actually just going on vacation, he’s not coming back after his vacation either…so double the fun, “make sure to ask him lots of questions before he leaves” my boss says.

Its a lot to jump into, code-wise, a bunch of stuff I’ve never even looked at before, and such a short time to learn it and sometimes its difficult to even know where to start with questions, or what would be the most fruitful things to discuss or study in the couple days left before he leaves, especially with the double learning curve of not having the background on the Netbeans side of the script debugger either. Time to cross my fingers and pray all goes well…