If only You Could Bottle Up Memories…

I have to say, when I got home yesterday, if I wasn’t so exhausted that I went straight to bed without eating (dinner? second dinner?) at get this–8:00pm, I probably would have posted about one particular thought that was grabbing at me as I drove home–I wish I could bottle up the memory of what it feels like to have spent the previous day and a half(ish) doing nothing but serving the Lord–it was just so…satisfying…and like at the point where you’re so attuned to the voice of God that the voice that says “be content with materialism, and your job, and with ‘just ok’, and don’t strive for more…” just entirely shuts itself out.

And if I could just bottle up what it feels like–and preserve that memory so that when I some time later start slipping back into the conundrums of day to day life that I could pull out the memory like a scratch-and-sniff sticker and get just a whiff of the betterness and be thrown back into the memory of just how more satisfying serving the Lord rather than fleshly desires was–because I KNOW if I every time I forgot, I could just open up my memory to what it was really like to serve, I would never want any alternative. Just a whiff of it would be enough to take me back–“back in your to your fire, to your throne, to your feet again…oh bring me back… distractions slip into my day… my flesh, my spirit is betrayed… I had such a fire in me… my soul longs to live for You”