“Wisdom calls to you like someone shouting” -proverbs 8:1

Yesterday I had some profound realizations that were just shall we say, soooo cool! God’s given me the answers. He’s turned my “tears for the night” into “joy in the morning” (psalm 30:5), literally. Tuesday night I was in tears over my profound need for God, and got back out of bed to write some prayers in my journal.
Purpose driven life explains it well–“Your most profound and intimate experiences of worship will likely be in your darkest days–when your heart feels abandoned, when you’re out of options, when the pain is great–and you turn to God alone.” THAT is something I’ve been learning here–to turn to God alone, that he is the only thing that can satisfy and remove the hurt and pains. You don’t need somebody else, you need to learn how to turn to God. And when you do turn to God instead, the blessings are enormous.