HTML vs Word Processing

There’s one thing I like better about Word than HTML, you have a much greater control over the aesthetic presentation to completely visually reflect what you’re trying to convey. Spacing and indentation are much easier, as well as adding headings, shading, color, pictures, etc. Raw HTML doesn’t give you that satisfaction, as you imagine the “<i>” tags magically turning into italicized text in the finished product, though a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver can help a bit with that.

Sometimes I find the medium of a computer screen too flexible, the canvas is more like a scroll than sheets of paper. Quite frankly, webpages that try and break articles into “pages” arbitrarily by making you click links to get to the next “page” of it? I find that really cumbersome; it’s not something you can flip through easy like a printed book with separate pages. The internet has a different set of rules than printed mediums.

I like the visual aesthetic control you have working with the printed page. I like to add bits of page layout, columns, outlined boxes of text in a different color to make things stand out, or to clarify that something is an aside from my subject matter, sometimes I even add pictures in the margins and as I feel fit–its not just about the words coming off my pen, it has to look visually appealing as well.